

Day 404 I think this is the latest post number, I know I've had to update or move over a couple from Anon posts but I'm not sure why it does that, and it generally only ever happens when I'm writing a post on my phone. But anyway it is Sunday today and I'm wrapping up a few things and still got some other shit to do. There's always a lot of shit to do which pisses me off but that's life I suppose when you got responsibilities.

Yesterday was nice though, I sacrificed an entire day to do nothing and did nothing, just watched this Korean drama on Netflix. Literally for the entire day I destroyed that show whilst taking breaks to watch another Netflix show which was Indonesian all while taking more breaks to watch 8 out of 10 cats on YouTube. So it was a damn good day but it did mean I didn't do anything at all but again it was so damn good.


Day 403 So the weekend was busy. As was Monday. I'm in the process of moving (again) and it's been a very stressful and laborious task to say the least. On top of that I'm having to come into the office so balancing everything has been quite the act and a strain on my finances. Doesn't help when I buy the wrong train ticket and it isn't refundable. Fucking bullshit to say the least but you live and you learn in all honesty but! I never do learn as I've done this same mistake a few times already lol.


Day 402 I hate the feeling of being made to feel lesser than you are. The feeling of being told you're not good enough. The feeling of you're failing to live up to expectations and not up to scratch.


Day 401 I often find myself coming back to this place when I feel lost or adrift, it's the place where I can come and attempt to clear my thoughts in an empty place. It's become sort of a safe haven for me to sort through my feelings and start again.

I find myself again, on the precipice of depression and bored. Where life becomes black and white and void of life. But I am handling it a lot better than I have in the past where I've just let it overcome me and left me empty without reason.