Day Naught.
I hate being cold. Just be normal with me and I'll be normal back. It's not hard it's just decency. If you don't wanna talk then that's cool too just let me know. Stop putting me in this limbo of annoyance. Perhaps it's my fault. I have to cut off the world in order to save myself from being cut. Back to the fake smiles and hurried glances. You know what you lost. It's still somehow my fault.
Day Naught.
I am
But not like the way you think I am.
Deep seated
But spiriling out of control.
Sinking deeper
Into this abyss that I call my mind.
Sprawling into darkness
Forever loosing myself.
I am.
Day Naught
Pursuit of happiness.
We've conflated it for the pursuit of money, power and sex.
We run to the top as fast as we can in order to feel happiness.
We sacrifice our youth and time in order to earn extra dime. We say to ourselves I'll rest when I'm dead.
But death came to us long before we noticed.
I know you've heard this all before and find it so clichy but I'm not asking you to give up chasing your money.
Just don't drag me down when we can't find anything in common.
I'm happy with my life.
I'm happy with my job.
I'm happy with how little or much I earn.
I'm content with it all.
I get you can't find your happiness.
Do another 60 hours.
I'm sure you'll find it somewhere.
Day Naught
I never thought I'd experience like this.
Fairytales and Hollywood never told me was going to be like this.
The happiness, joy and I feel when I see you is indescribable.
From the ups and downs.
I'm grateful for knowing you.
For you showing me a new side of.
You've captured my heart and soul, filling me with Love.
For eternity.
Day Naught
The script.
Why is scripted dialogue the benchmark? Like I don't understand this. Video essays and written ones always use film or television as the benchmark on how to navigate or interact with life. Like I don't get it, it's scripted and no one talks like that in real life. We talk over eachother, barely listen to what the other person is saying and many of us aren't able to think of witty things on the fly. We wallow about it for days thinking about what we should have said in the shower 😂
Day Naught
Well I'm back. Well I'm sure to make my return. Sure I've lost a lot in my time away, and no not only those of you who follow along, I mean much more than that. I don't remember where I left off last, vaguely can remember but even then it was so long ago I really cannot be bothered to remember.
Does this mark my return? I sure hope it does, as I want to pursue something in writing properly, as an avenue out of where I'm stuck at the moment. I want to write a book to begin with and then grow it out from there, delving into short pieces, poems, stories and beyond. I did a lot of writing back during covid but ever since I started to return to the office I just got busy, blind-sided and ultimately lazy with the things I wanted to do.
However, these last few days I've really started to regain parts of my former self. I feel more energetic, creative and starting to feel the urge of wanting to do things again! I can't really put my finger on where that's coming from but it something that has slowly ignited and I hope to allows the embers to burst forth. I mean I made it this far where I'm actually putting fingers to keyboard.
I truly do hope that I can slowly increase my creativity once again and allow that to come to fruition. Instead of lazily writing one or two pieces and ultimately nothing for months on end.
I do miss the old me. The 2020 me. Posting daily. But that's what covid afforded us, free time and full control of time. So now the schedule is forming and becoming more stable I wish to see you all here.
Day Naught
Well I'm back. Well I'm sure to make my return. Sure I've lost a lot in my time away, and no not only those of you who follow along, I mean much more than that. I don't remember where I left off last, vaguely can remember but even then it was so long ago I really cannot be bothered to remember.
Does this mark my return? I sure hope it does, as I want to pursue something in writing properly, as an avenue out of where I'm stuck at the moment. I want to write a book to begin with and then grow it out from there, delving into short pieces, poems, stories and beyond. I did a lot of writing back during covid but ever since I started to return to the office I just got busy, blind-sided and ultimately lazy with the things I wanted to do.
However, these last few days I've really started to regain parts of my former self. I feel more energetic, creative and starting to feel the urge of wanting to do things again! I can't really put my finger on where that's coming from but it something that has slowly ignited and I hope to allows the embers to burst forth. I mean I made it this far where I'm actually putting fingers to keyboard.
I truly do hope that I can slowly increase my creativity once again and allow that to come to fruition. Instead of lazily writing one or two pieces and ultimately nothing for months on end.
I do miss the old me. The 2020 me. Posting daily. But that's what covid afforded us, free time and full control of time. So now the schedule is forming and becoming more stable I wish to see you all here.
The Tales of the Inbetween
Well I sorted out the contents page now, so I understand there are a LOT of posts, so you can check out specific chapters from now on, I'm actually proud of myself lol it did take a fucking while for me to do every single post, fortunately I had some Breaking Bad in the background, I did decide to give the show another go, and actually I have been enjoying it more so this time around.
But anyways I need to get up and shower up before I get ready for dinner. Korean BBQ tonight :D
The Tales of the Inbetween
Moving on to January, I used the month to pivot some of my ambitions and start organising things, the underlying goal that has been forming over the last few months has been the need to organise and have a roadmap of things I want to do. So I came across Notion, so I decided to use it and began organising things.