

Day 24 Well, today was the first day of my unofficial schedule, I mainly spent it researching and reading what I can do with write.as and then checking out Mastodon at large. It was pretty interesting and I signed up for writing exchange so that'll be my first step in this new world, which hopefully will be excitable.

I saw the ability of adding comments to posts in write.as, so I may do that either today or tomorrow and if its worth it then keep it going, it costs 8 buck a month so I'll deem if its worth it from the free trial.


Day 23 It was tough waking up this morning, my body, eyes just didn't want to wake up or get up from my bed. So I struggled pulling myself up, my eyes felt heavy just longing for sleep. I got up and then washed up and then showered (it was a really quick one) even as I had water pouring over me, my eyes felt as if they didn't have it in them to open. I came up, and put my washed clothes away. Its amazing how neat my room has been after designating a space for everything, order has really keep things – well – in order. Nay, having structure has helped keep things in order.


Day 22 Well today, my oh my, the start of this stay wonderful, I haven't felt that good in awhile. I even woke up earlier than I usually do, lo and behold, no body pains, no burning eyes, nada. No issues when I awoke this morning and it felt so good. Even last night I found myself feeling sleepier a lot earlier (I think that may be due to the lack of laying down during the day, and as I write this that's all I wanna do lol) but I did sleep slightly later than I would have liked which (let's be real) may be the case this evening also.

Other than that; my day has been pleasant, got work done, went to see a friend briefly and caught up with a couple of more. Did well today with the old crypto stuff and later on planning on watching the game with a few friends. So seems like a busier day than my usual sit at my desk but I did plenty of that also.


Day 21 The start of this day has been a lot, lot better. Spent the first hour or so cleaning and washing up (hygiene is important kids) I usually have deep cleans every 2/3 days (you don't wanna know). Then I sat at my desk and begun doing some work. I've been dabbling into day trading crypto, just to get a feel of things, I'm going to start properly this week (wed to wed) and see how I get along. But honestly it's been pretty fun so far and I look forward to making something with it and then move into other things.

I guess there's no added pressure when the amount of money is fairly low but making gains when you're loosing money is always exciting, it forces you to be sharp and stay on top.


Day 20 Today, I had to get up super early as I had a 10 o'clock meeting and that has ruined my flow for the entire day. Granted I did sleep a bit too late for my liking, but I thought I had enough sleep though I have been proven wrong by my own body. I didn't even get to have my morning shower (I awoke really late), on top of that I've got an annoying tooth/side of my mouth pain which is extremely troublesome and I'm pretty sure it is inflammed. Now I also have a headache, literally located on my forehead (top right) so it's just getting better and better.

A brief note from last night, I didn't go out as I mentioned despite the option being there, so I stayed home, ordered some Maccies and enjoyed a night in. Watched some White Collar and called it a night.


Day 19 Today was more my pace, finally finished phase 2 of the room clean well almost finished. The room is a lot cleaner now thankfully and all my tech/toiletries and whatnot are stored away. Literally only a handful of things remain (mainly due to my own laziness) but it'll be done soon enough.

Next thing is phase 3 and I hope to get it done tomorrw, Tuesday latest. Then my desk setup should be done. After that over the course of the next couple of months (unfortunately I'm restricted by paychecks) and I finally will get my chair lol but I still need to decide on one to buy then I shall attain my final FORM!!

Other than that some family came to visit and that's about it. Not much of an eventful day but it was productive. Didn't go out today which is why this is on time aha but never know I may pop out but feels highly unlikely at this point. Maybe it'll do me some good to stay at home and take it easy.

Well that'll do me for today.


Day 18 I know this one is a little late, almost bordering on day 19, so just a little recap on my day: I mainly focused on cleaning my room, so I spent today cleaning out my old desk drawer and a bunch of paperwork/letters. So that ate up some time, so phase 1 of 3 was successfully completed. Next will be sorting cables and other gear and final will be the desk. That will be a long ass task in of itself but worth it once it's all done.

So today was alright overall, even woke up late which was nice, I got some sleep for once and then mainly took it easy other than the clean up.


Day 17.5 Side-Post as mentioned in the last post. Feedback would be much obliged, you know where to find me. “About Page”

Teaser #1 The Lost Ones. Part 1 As she falls deeper in to the darkness that is her slumber Time seems to have holted As her soul wanders without a care Runs through the earth without fear As her mind chases, attempting to match its flair Upon the blaring trumpet, the body revolted The slumber was split asunder

Her eyes open, despretly clinging onto the darkeness in which they favour The ears register the frantic noise The body shuffles back and forth longing for that soulfilled experience A light shines from beneath her Her eyes register it, makes out the number 10, 30? It’s her phone. And she’s late. Lol


Day 17 Ah yes today started like no other, extreme stomach pains but I got a handle on that fairly quickly. It seems like my Friday's have their own routine now (basically I have a bath instead of a shower), I also didn't sleep as much as I usually do which I don't really know how I feel about, sure my eyes aren't hurting but I do feel a little more lazy and tired, to be honest I don't really feel as sharp as I usually do. I feel slow.

I got a fair amount of work done today, but I was extremely ineffiecient to say the least. But it got dealt with so that's always a nice feeling, knowing that I did some work. I also have taken it easy, I guess that's why I feel slow today, because I know that I don't really need to kick it to a higher, more productive gear. I can take it at my own pace and do it.


Day 16 Man, oh man. I keep waking up tired and my eyes are always hurting me. I have been going asleep a bit too late as of late but I get 8+ hours on a daily, maybe it's because I sleep too much. I'll try waking up early tomorrow morning and see what happens.

This morning and early afternoon have been a bit too busy for my liking, it doesn't help that I have this sense of urgency and nagging feeling that I'm running out of time, with larger than life issues hanging over my head but it's not the caase at all. I've got a few tasks from work to do and a couple of small personal stuff and one large task that I need to finish off by today. (I promised a friend I'll do some stuff for him today) Maybe its the need to finish that off that's throwing everything else out of balance and I can't work on it due to work stuff. But I'll do as much as I can now and go from there.