Day 19 Today was more my pace, finally finished phase 2 of the room clean well almost finished. The room is a lot cleaner now thankfully and all my tech/toiletries and whatnot are stored away. Literally only a handful of things remain (mainly due to my own laziness) but it'll be done soon enough.
Next thing is phase 3 and I hope to get it done tomorrw, Tuesday latest. Then my desk setup should be done. After that over the course of the next couple of months (unfortunately I'm restricted by paychecks) and I finally will get my chair lol but I still need to decide on one to buy then I shall attain my final FORM!!
Other than that some family came to visit and that's about it. Not much of an eventful day but it was productive. Didn't go out today which is why this is on time aha but never know I may pop out but feels highly unlikely at this point. Maybe it'll do me some good to stay at home and take it easy.
Well that'll do me for today.