

Day 3 It all began last summer, when I heard a noise emitting from my wardrobe. A strange deep, heavy growling of sorts. I initially ignored it, blamed it something or another but I heard it again a few nights later. They seemingly were getting longer and louder as well as a tad more frequent.

I got up off of my bed. Summing up as much courage as I could...I walked closer to the wardrobe, in the dead of night pshycing myself up as I approached closer to the wardrobe. Usually a sort journey – a couple of steps or so – seemed to go on for ages. I hear a sudden creaking. I pause, I feel the life drain from my body and a cold sweat but I quickly regained composure after realising it was the floor board.


Day 2 Sitting down to write was harder than I thought, I even attempted to try and delay the post itself. Procrastination. That's often a word I find associating with myself. This laziness that I tend to blame for my lack of not really doing anything.

Despite this blog being intended to blab on about what I do in a single day, its difficult not to begin to blab on about myself. Rather beffitting that I start my work with a short introduction about my least favoured charateristic, and thus my intention to begin this journey of attempting to defeat this demon.


Day 1 This is my first post, in an attempted daily series of writings about my life; posts are a mixture of fiction and non-fiction from day to day. It's an exercise in order to force myself to begin writing more regularly.

First of the series shall start tomorrow, so find out next time on...well you know rest.
