
Daily posts – either fact or fiction – about what goes on in my life (includes thoughts too now)

Day 2508 I miss me. I miss who I am and who I could have been.

I miss thee. Who you were and what could have been.

I miss us. The trust and the overwhelming lust.

Withering youth, expelled to dust. No way out, no way home.

Forced to forge. Imagination lost.

Who are we. Where have I gone.


Day 2507 Today. Well today started like every other, straggled myself to get out of bed. The waning of my alarm forcing myself to re-enter my body. I looked around. Disappointed. The morning has come, alas, the weekend has officially ended. I waddled out of bed into the bathroom. Sealing my fate. I must now begin the week. Saddened. This job once filled me with hope and desire to succeed. But like all work that feeling slowly wears off and me along with it.


Day 2506 Well today has been a day of reflection and chilling. So after the new years I listed a bunch of tasks I'd like to get done during the week, and honestly I realised I'm doing the most! Like I'm wanting to build sustainable habits but the barrier to entry is way too high! Like how am I supposed to do task x 3 days a week whilst working a full time job etc. So I re-did things and pushed other things back so I can plan properly. So I cut down the frequency of some more arduous tasks and pushed back some others. It's the only way I see myself being able to sustain all things.


Day 2505 Well had a pretty cool day yesterday, it wasn't too eventful I did end up going to my parents in the evening and saw some family had a good laugh, hadn't seen some of them in ages.

Other than that honestly it was quite dry and boring. God I really need something to do otherwise than rewatching shows for the 100th time lol


Day 2504 Right, so back at it, I ended up forgetting to publish the other day so had to do two in a day. Well better late than never. Got to keep rolling you know.

I've finally started to motivate myself at work again so things are beginning to go well again. Well as well as it can be considering I honestly can't with the corporate lifestyle. I honestly enjoy working at my new spot but it's just soul sucking working for someone else you know. I honestly just need to start my own stuff. More on that later.


Day 2503 I feel like I'm finally hitting my stride again at work, I was being productive getting shit done and getting through some project work I was doing. Honestly overwhelming positive. It kind of weened off around lunch took a longish one with a couple of walks. Two different sets of people. I did skip the eating portion of lunch so didn't mind it too much. Then the afternoon was just meeting after meeting. Everyone's favourite time!

Evening was good and chill too as I slowly am getting ready for bed I have been taking it easy as of late just relaxing but I do want to start being a bit more productive so hoping I can start incorporating that into my schedule.

So yah we'll see. It can only get better from here.


Day 2502 Getting back into the flow of things. It's kind of hard trying to establish a routine when you haven't done anything like it for a while. I feel like it's easier starting something new than it is returning to something you did so frequently for some time.

Beyond that I haven't even started drafting anything for my book, weekends are taken away with family and weekdays are filled with work. Honestly by the time I get home I don't really feel like doing anything. A lot has changed since last year. New job. New house. So it's been fun but after a year the feeling of newness sort of wears off so trying to reinstall that passion again for my work and things in my life.

I have sort of gotten back into home networking with ubiquity so that's been exciting and I did start gaming again, but even that has slowly ceased due to just not feeling up for it and the fact that the pc is being occupied by someone else 😂 but I don't mind. It's funny you don't feel like you want to waste time with hobby A but end up wasting time on hobby B and somehow you feel less guilty!

But I also need to remind myself that things take time, and to always put one foot in front of the other. Slowly building routines and moving forward with them. Consistency always being key but I find that it tends to be my greatest weakness.


Day 2501 The 3rd coming...or is it the 5th?

Well I'm honestly back to trying this again. Over the Christmas break, I sought out things I wanted to get back into and the more I thought about it the more I realised that, I actually want to get back into writing. Now I really enjoyed the exercise of writing daily for however long I initially did it but now I want to move beyond it. I want to challenge myself and try something new. So I decided to begin writing short stories, ramblings and some form of poetry. So 2025 will definitely be the year in which I return to writing and expressing myself through this medium.

This also means that I want to begin writing here again daily or close enough to it. I mean I haven't stopped paying for it so I may as well begin getting back into writing regularly like I did before. It's been a year or so, maybe even longer since I wrote, so I look forward in doing so again.

I'll just need to clean up this messy blog and start this journey again.


Day 404 I think this is the latest post number, I know I've had to update or move over a couple from Anon posts but I'm not sure why it does that, and it generally only ever happens when I'm writing a post on my phone. But anyway it is Sunday today and I'm wrapping up a few things and still got some other shit to do. There's always a lot of shit to do which pisses me off but that's life I suppose when you got responsibilities.

Yesterday was nice though, I sacrificed an entire day to do nothing and did nothing, just watched this Korean drama on Netflix. Literally for the entire day I destroyed that show whilst taking breaks to watch another Netflix show which was Indonesian all while taking more breaks to watch 8 out of 10 cats on YouTube. So it was a damn good day but it did mean I didn't do anything at all but again it was so damn good.


Day 403 So the weekend was busy. As was Monday. I'm in the process of moving (again) and it's been a very stressful and laborious task to say the least. On top of that I'm having to come into the office so balancing everything has been quite the act and a strain on my finances. Doesn't help when I buy the wrong train ticket and it isn't refundable. Fucking bullshit to say the least but you live and you learn in all honesty but! I never do learn as I've done this same mistake a few times already lol.


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