Day 59
Well today I did something stupid, I misread something and it led to me waking up earlier than I needed. Which was and let's be real such a rookie mistake, honestly so dumb, I can't believe I did that, and then when I re-read it, I wasn't mad, hell I wasn't mad when the neighbours where drilling into the earth at an unGodly hour. I just turned my side and tried going back sleep, which I did successfully might I add lol.
Day 58
I wanted to really do this ahead of time, ahead of the time now. Basically earlier is what I am trying to say but unfortunately that didn't quite work out as well I as had intention for. Mainly because I am getting sick, through no fault but my own and it isn't like the flu or corona but it's fatigue. Last night, as tired as I was,
Day 57
Today hasn't been too bad in all honesty, just super busy getting stuff done that I had literally no time but now to write this up, literally from start to finish. Woke up early as I slept at a good time. My usual 1:30am.
Day 56
On page 6 now, with day 56, I was thinking whether or not I should have the latest post first, I mean it's gotten to a point where it's spread over 6 pages now and I don't know whether to restructure the posts or not. Whatever is easiest to be honest, but I don't know; it isn't like current readers are going to be reading the earlier posts in fairness and I don't think newer readers are going to sit through 6 pages worth of posts,
Day 55
Well, how shall I start this, today was alright, woke up kinda late like 10 mins before my meeting (which was delayed again) washed up and got to my desk on time. I kinda slept late again, I think no wait, I actually can't remember, I think I did doze off around half 2/3 in the morning but nothing extreme, however still later than I initally wanted. It was one of those moments where I saw the time on my phone at half 1 and it increased slowly to 2am and I thought to myself “I should really get some sleep about now” and then bam! I was half asleep staring at my phone deep into the 2 am range lol
Day 54
I feel like I've been writing day 54 for awhile now, I keep double, triple checking the last blog entry as well as any other Anon posts for it. But it seems to be so, that tiday is the first day 54. I feel like I've been stagnant for a couple of weeks or so, as mentioned extensively over these last handful of posts. I hope to resume to normal starting tomorrow, I want to get enough rest after getting like 5 hours. Then kickstart my week and see what happens next.
Day 53
So, Saturday today and honestly I've had a nice mellow and enjoyable day, a day not riddled with the thoughts of deadlines and impending doom but a day filled with the ambition to cross off those tasks that are outstanding. I woke up around 12 or 1 in the afternoon, I don't quite remember when to be honest but it was alright.
Day 52
Today has been much cooler but for whatever reason I have struggled immensely to kick into gear. Today has been such an odd day, that I've been feeling so sluggish and unable to focus. I just about got the things I wanted done for work let alone anything else, I had to literally lay down for a bit just to regain some composure and focus.
Day 51
I swear I'm getting tired of writing “well today was like the fast few days” and the rest of the bs that goes along with it. That being said it was a bit more normal and a bit more busier than usual. I woke up earlier than the alarm clock up still not as early as I'd like.
Day 50
To be honest I didn't think I would have made it this far, well I did skip a few days here and there but I had some valid excuses, or I like to tell myself. But yeah 50 days of writing, it may not seem like much but it is to me. Mainly because I didn't think I'd be able to do so, one of my biggest issues well two of my biggest issues well, you know what I can keep increasing the numbers but the crux of the matter is; laziness and procrastination were two character traits I no longer wanted to have.