Day 2519 Sometimes, you just have to be big enough to say sorry. We get in our own little worlds and minds and we neglect everything else around us.
We, develop such a me Vs the world mentality and carry it everywhere with us. We can't see the grass from the trees. We can't see those who are willing to help us. Lift us. Carry us along the way. In the end it was I who achieved this feat.
Live. You know really live with those around you. Don't get upset or angry over petty shit. Really be the bigger man. Kill your ego, we really don't need that. Now I'm not saying be a pushover or be walked upon. But be kind to those you love, and admire. They're the only ones deserving of your kindness. So pucker down and admit defeat more often. You can't lose if they're sincerely happy.