Day 2516 I feel I have changed over these last 4 years. As I've taken strides in my life and career I definitely feel the effects of it. I feel worn out and worn down. This job requires me to be in the office 5 days a week which I am starting to find tough if I'm being honest. Mainly due to a lack of sleep. Now not getting the right amount of sleep is really taking its toll on me. I hadn't realised what it does to a person, I understand sleep is important but I've never felt it like this before.
The battle between wanting to have time for yourself and sleep. Oh it's such a hellscape if you ask me, I always like to enjoy myself and my evenings but before I know it it's already 11 and I should be asleep sooner than later. For me, it always takes me like 30 mins or so to get ready for bed so I need to stop everything by 9:30. 9:30! I mean I hate the thought of that on top of that I want time to unwind in bed so that's another X amount of minutes.
So it's all really frustrating, the feeling that time is constantly slipping from you; work, home then dinner then chill then sleep. Like I need time and more of it. It's not like I get home at an unreasonable time, I'm back by 5:30. Nor do I wake up insanely early. I guess I just need to be better with it. It's just certain people enjoy staying up.