Day 103 Well. Wel. We. W. Something I didn't ascertain today lol but I did well considering the disadvantages of the day, if you will. You may be confused as to what exactly you're reading right now but in a few moments as you traverse the page you'll know soon enough. The implications of the day and what took me out of it.
It's not all that dramatic in all honesty lol but let us begin where we left off yesterday. I got into bed and much like the night before I ended up loosing track of time and attempted to barter and weigh up the amount of sleep necessary and the amount of episodes I can watch of succession. Neither me nor my viewing habits availed victorious.
I'm not gonna lie, I ended up attempting to go sleep close to 4:30, knowing full well I needed to be awake at 9:45. So that'd give me about 5 hours of sleep, I can push it out a bit longer. So I attempted to sleep and lo! Behold! I couldn't sleep, my stomach was irritating me more than ever and sleep simply evaded me. I tossed and turned ended up falling asleep around 6! Fucking 6 in the morning, the annoying thing is; despite the 6 hours of sleep prior, I was so energetic and awake. That I didn't even wish to sleep, honestly such a pisstake.
I'm then awoken due to a debacle between my package and UPS. They weren't taking it due to a lack of label and I'm telling him that the no label option was selected. Bare in mind I'm woken up around 9am and so I'm on 3 hours of sleep. So eventually it was resolved. My stomach situation worsened and I reached out to my manager and caught him up. Informed him I was unable to make it to the office to the questionable nature of my stomach and the lack of sleep. He was understanding and said if you need time off take it. That was initially my plan get some work done and then sleep.
But it didn't work out that way, I had 3 important tasks to do and wanted to complete them. First we had the IT induction which I didn't lead but sat in for, then I began the work, and managed to finish everything by 3pm. I thought I could sleep now but issue would be how long i'd sleep and the repercussions of that sleep regarding me waking up and ending up sleeping late again.
I ended up staying and wake and chilled in bed, as I just needed a break from desk, toilet breaks were longer and far more frequent and basically waited down until dinner as I was starving.
Had dinner around 6ish, chilled downstairs literally all evening until about 20 mins ago where I came upstairs and decided now's a perfect time as any to take a bath.
Which is where I am, feeling like Run from run's house as he used to finish up the episode in the bath writing on his phone. Lol.
But yeah I feel okay, still slightly hungry, and a little tired but not as tired as I want to be. When I was laying down earlier, I felt I could knock out at any moment. Which is most likely happen post-bath where I'm feeling so relaxed.
Until tomorrow. Also I know. I'm so early tonight lol. I just didn't wanna write this at 10/11 when I know I'll be even tireder nor do I wanna sit at my desk now. Straight to bed. Ciao.